Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Trip Over - Emirates, Dubai International Airport, and Etisalat Academy

WELL....I made it safely! Both flights were excellent and there were no problems at all. 

I do want to say that Emirates is an extremely nice airline. The seats are super comfy and there is plenty of space so that people do not feel like packed sardines. They provide you with a blanket, headphones, eye cover for sleeping, as well as a mini tooth brush and toothpaste. Every once in a while and after meals, the attendants will distribute warm wash cloths with soap on them for people to wash their faces and hands with. 

The best part of the plane was that each seat had this tablet like movie screen in front of them. There were hundreds of movies, tv shows, games, and radio stations/CDs to choose from as well as an outlet!

Even on a 15 hour flight to Dubai, I could still listen to some good country music!

The meals were even way better than I expected. There were always 3 or 4 choices of types of meals to choose from in order to accommodate all types of people. The silverware is metal, not plastic, and each meal comes with a towelette to wash up with.


They also offered a snack between dinner and breakfast of pizza. Unfortunately I was passed out so I did not get to try it but I woke up to the smell of it and other passengers were eating it. It smelled delicious!


After a long and tiring 15 hour flight from JFK (NY) to DXB (Dubai International Airport), I got to see the most beautiful airport I have ever been inside. The Dubai Airport is huge! Everyone is very nice and respectful and luckily I made a friend on the plane who went through customs and immigration with me. We stuck together through getting our luggage until we found our rides!

After finding my escort, he took me to Etisalat Academy (RIT Dubai Dorms), which is really a hotel. It is farther out from the city so it appears as though it is more in the dessert than other places.

BUT it is super hot here! I walked outside the airport and it was 95 degrees and I instantly started sweating! 

I met a group of other RIT Dubai students in the lobby of the hotel and after settling in at my room, I hungout with them for a while. They all speak English extremely well and are SUPER NICE. They were very interested in hearing about me and my background and it was amazing to me how almost all of them were born in other countries and had traveled all over the world for high school and college. I met one Emirate. He was dressed in all white and was very nice. The group I was hanging out with says that there are only about 12 of them in our school and only 20% of the population here are Emirates. 

Tomorrow I go to the campus for orientation and then Friday we are going to the dessert to ride camels! I can't wait!

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